Adult Braces: My Diet the First 3 Weeks

Since getting these lovely braces which I'm sure are the key to my eternal happiness, eating has been... challenging.

I tried eating smoothies. Here are reasons I stopped:
  1. Hepititis-laced Costco berries
  2. The protein powders and fiber supplememnts messed with my constitution. I was not my, uh... "regular" self.
  3. I don't even like sweets that much, so I never felt full.

Then I thought, OOOH! Indian food is nice and smooshy. And it's delicious! Here are the reasons I stopped:
  1. I can't cook Indian myself without the aid of pre-made jarred sauces.
  2. Take out gets expensive.
  3. The exotic and fragrant spices used to flavor Indian food (e.g., turmeric, paprika) are VERY STAINING.  So they ended up staining the rubber bands (ligatures) used to hold the wired to the bracket, ergo casting a yellow tint onto my clear braces, ergo making all my teeth appear like they haven't been brushed in weeks, ergo BIG FAT FAIL.

Currently my molars are still super sore, so I can't really chew for shit. I still have those damn spacers in. This means meat is still out. I can't even eat salad because leafy greens require proper mastication before you can swallow them.

So basically I have to stick to foods I can swallow whole or chew with my tongue. Have you tried eating without using your teeth? Do you know how to chew with your tongue? It's rough.

And to avoid staining my ligatures, I need to stick to white or clear foods.

Sad face emoticon here.

Here is a list of foods I've been leaning on during the first 3 weeks of adult braces

  • Eggs
  • Soup (NOT tomato based to avoid staining)
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Soggy cereal
  • Bread, but I have to sog it up in the soup so I can mash it up with my tongue before swallowing
  • Pasta in a white cream sauce (Marinara will stain)
  • Rice, but eating it is annoying because it gets trapped in the braces and then you're forever smacking your tongue around the braces trying to suck the rice out. 
This is not the faire I'm used to eating. Also, this can't be the healthiest of diets. 

Here is a list of foods I really miss eating the first 3 weeks of adult braces

  • Anything that requires the use of your teeth to swallow
  • Anything with color
  • Everything that's not on the list above.

I know I will be able to eat semi-normally again, but I'm not quite there yet, so I'm being a whiny baby about it. 

Upside: I'm losing weight!

Meh. I miss Doritos.

Forbidden Fruit. My heart weeps.

1 comment:

  1. I know this is old but oh my god - thank you for this post. I'm one week in with adult braces and can relate to EVERYTHING in this post. Made me laugh so hard my mouth hurts...which actually is quite frequently the case at the moment:)
